"Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God, my savior
And my hope is in you all day long."
Psalm 25:4-5

About Me

My photo
I am a Christian, homeschooling mom of 3, married to an amazing man who is a blessing from God. I love Jesus and try every day in every way to grow closer to Him and live like He would have me live. I want to follow His path and glorify Him with my thoughts, actions and speech. Some days are good...most days I fail miserably. But...I keep praying and receiving God's unending grace! This blog is about our daily life of homeschooling and parenting and just trying each day to walk in His will.


Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free

I have led a women's book study this summer using this book and I highly recommend it!  It is astounding to me the deceptions that I believe and DIDN'T KNOW I believe....  lies about God, lies about myself, lies about sin, lies about priorities, lies about marriage, lies about children, lies about emotions and lies about circumstances.  We live in a fallen world full of lies and we are in bondage from them.  How do you fight lies and deception from the enemy when you aren't even aware that you are believing them?  This book has opened my eyes and now I can pray specifically about those areas where I need God's TRUTH to set me free.  And there are many.  Praise God that He has the weapon to fight
 the lies.... His WORD.


Cooking Tip #1

I have read many books on meal planning, buying in bulk, cooking many meals at one time, cutting costs on your grocery bill etc.  (It's a hobby!)  One of the best things I've done as far as saving time and money is to buy meat (chicken or ground beef) when it is on sale and then cook large quantities of it (at one time) and then freeze it in 2 cup portions in ziploc bags.  I will brown the ground beef with chopped onions and then the meat is good for spaghetti, lasagna, tacos, chili, soups etc.  I either sautee the chicken breasts ( my hubby will eat pretty much anything in the world except.... yogurt, crab and dark chicken meat) in olive oil or butter, or I boil them in chicken broth, or cook them in my crock pot with chicken broth.  Once they are done cooking, I shred them and put them in the freezer.  These are good for egg rolls, soup, chicken salad, adding to pasta or salad, quesadillas etc. 
This helps save TONS of time.  If you didn't plan or stick to the plan you made, you can pull out the already cooked meat and quickly make a simple meal. 


Menu Planning

It's the beginning of spring and time to change my menu.  Gone is the desire to eat heavy soups and stews, now I want salads, food from the grill and sandwiches.  I started menu planning about 5 years ago and it has been very beneficial.  It helps me know what I need to buy at the store, instead of wandering the aisles trying to anticipate every food I might need.  Thus it cuts down on our grocery bill as well. Also, by planning ahead what I will make for dinner I am able to use my time wisely and start prepping in the morning or the night ahead .  Menu planning takes the pressure off because when 5:00 hits I am not sitting there in a panic wondering how I'm going to get a meal prepared when I haven't thawed anything.  Oh, there is one more financial benefit...we don't grab something out at the last minute because I haven't prepared dinner.

Here is how I menu plan:

1.  I make a list of all of our favorite meals:
chef salad                                      
salad pizza                                    
stuffed baked potatoes                 
BLT pizza                                     
pasta salad                                    
 grilled shrimp                              
grilled chicken teriyaki
egg rolls
grilled hamburgers
pecan crusted tilapia
shrimp linguine
garlic shrimp
chicken or beef enchiladas
taco salad
meatball subs
 BBQ chicken salad
Italian Bread Salad
broccoli macaroni and cheese
homemade chicken nuggets

That is a list of 22 meals.

2.  Then I take a blank calendar (our realtor sends us one every year that sticks on the side of our fridge) and I fill in the days of the month with this list.  I take into account what days we have commitments near dinner time and I'll plan an easy to prepare meal or leftovers for that night.  I look at any days where we might be going somewhere else for dinner and if there aren't any then I build in a few "take out nights"  or frozen pizza nights or breakfast for dinner nights.  I make sure to not eat any one food type several days in a row.  I also try to space out the foods that my kids don't love.

Now I have a month of meals planned!  It takes me an hour to write it all in and then write my first week's grocery list and I'm saving myself money, time and discouragement!  YAY!

What are some of your family's favorite meals?


A word of encouragement

Hi friends,
I just wanted to encourage all of you that have children in your home to teach them how to cook, clean, sew, garden, build, repair and all other skills that you know. It is hard to teach children sometimes.  It requires patience and repeated practice before they master a skill that you mastered a long time ago and can do in your sleep.  I can be tempted to think " I don't have time to teach that today, we're in a hurry" or " I just want some peace and quiet, I've taught all day, I just don't feel like teaching anything else today."  Time flies by as you all well know, and before you know it that eager learner will have grown up and left your home.  It will BLESS you beyond belief when your child takes over a task that you used to have to do and does it well.  As I type, my 13 year old daughter is making cookies for a co op that I'm teaching tomorrow.  It's late, I'm wiped out and I was going to scrap my cookie plans and do something else, when she eagerly offered to cook them because she LOVES to cook.  I've spent years teaching her how to cook and how to clean up after herself and now I'm reaping what I've sown.  Those early years of having her just pour in the flour or just stirring the batter progressed into teaching her "cooking language", reading recipes, planning menus and cooking the whole thing from start to finish and I don't even have to be in the room!  What a blessing!  So..... I encourage all of you to teach your children any life skills that you have mastered and also ask family members and friends to teach your children their skills/hobbies. 



Are you a Christian?  If you are, you are because God called you. Why did God call YOU?  Because HE LOVES YOU.  Are you aware of that truth? Are you living in that truth?  Are you grateful daily because He loves you and called you?  What did He save you from?  Where would you be without HIM?  Have you ever thought about that?  Have you thought about these truths lately

I'm prone to take my salvation for granted, even though I was saved only 7 years ago.   I'm prone to be grumpy at times, discontent (see other post on that subject) (and then this one) and frustrated/stressed.  I love Jesus and I try to follow His paths for my life, I teach my kids about Him,  I spend time with Him daily, (some days I'm praying for His grace minute by minute), but I don't live in the truth that without His love and calling I'd be wallowing in sin without hope!  (Remember, just because we are saved doesn't mean we are without sin.... oh no, I have a fresh awareness of my sins daily!)  I know what He saved me from, I know that He has been working in me, changing me from the inside out.  I don't want to be back from where I came!  So I should be joyful, grateful, exuberant!  Yet I struggle......

I want to be GRATEFUL, I want to be JOYFUL, I want to be fully aware every day of what Jesus did for me.  Why He died for me, why He loved me, why He called me. 

If you are struggling, or if you are aware of but not living in the truth of Jesus' sacrificial love for you, or if you are discontent or joyless, I encourage you to open your Bible and read one of the least known books in it... Jude.  For some excellent teaching on this,  I found this podcast from the amazingly gifted speaker/author/pastor CJ Mahaney and it resonated deep in my heart and soul and has taught me some foundational truths.  You may already know all of these, but I promise it will awaken  your soul and make you newly grateful for your salvation.

*** once you click on my link to the podcast list, click on "CALLED".  You can listen to it here on your computer or you can download it to  your Ipod from Itunes for free.  There is also a 2nd message in this series called "CONTEND" which is right above "CALLED".


Creative Easter Activities and Printables

If you have a preschooler or toddler in your life you have got to go to Confessions of a Homeschooler and get her Easter printables!  She is very talented and has made the cutest Easter bingo cards, puzzles, lacing card, coloring sheets, number games, matching games, and one to one correspondence sheets etc.  Click here to see her Easter printables!

It's ALIVE!!!!!

I have no idea why my blog sent out a list of all those previous blog posts!  I DID NOT DO THAT!  (I don't even know HOW to do that!)

 I went through my blog yesterday and erased all of the kids pictures and posts with the kids pictures and then this morning I see that everyone got an email from my blog.  Interesting!

Several friends and my hubby suggested that I keep the blog going and just take the kids pics off.  I'm still praying about it.  So, you'll either start getting NEW posts from me or I'll just quietly disappear off the blog radar. 

Have a blessed day!


Another Christian Radio Station

A dear friend sent me another Christian radio station that you can listen to on your computer.... this one has more conservative, soothing music!  Once you get to the site click on the "Win" button in the top right hand corner.


The Amazing Tales of Max and Liz

I have a favorite children's author that I have to share!  Her name is Jenny L. Cote and she is a very gifted writer.  She is a Christian and she has written two books in her new series " The Amazing Tales of Max and Liz".  These are thick books and readers of all ages love them.  I have read the first one to my 9 year old and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We are now halfway through the second one and it is even better than the first!
Mrs. Cote is a wonderful speaker and her love for Jesus and scriptures is evident in her writing and in her presentations.  (She goes around the country promoting writing by giving writing workshops to children.  We were blessed to attend one of these workshops last year.)  She has a neat way of looking at Bible stories in a new way.... for instance in the first book The Ark, the Reed and the Firecloud she paints a picture of what the journey would have been like for all of the animals that boarded Noah's ark.  How did God get them there? How did the polar bears survive on the ark for all that time away from their natural habitat of ice and snow?  How did all of the animals co-exist for all that time?  These are questions I've never thought to ask before and Mrs. Cote presents her ideas on those questions in humorous and very creative ways.  This book kept us in giggles and her main characters (Max, a Scottish terrier and Liz, a black cat) became very dear to us in a very short time!

The second book The Dreamer, The Schemer and The Robe is about the life of Joseph with the multicolor robe.  It takes place in Egypt and is teaching all of us more about faith and having an attitude of obedience to God no matter what the circumstances.

These books make the Bible stories come alive in new ways and I highly recommend them! Here is Jenny L. Cote's blog so you can learn about her and her upcoming books in this fantastic series!


One of my favorite homeschool blogs!

I have a great homeschool blog for you all...it's called Delightful Learning and it is full of great ideas!  She has posts on nature journaling, survival / living off the land, tot school, challenges for your older kids where they create things using her rules and household items, and a new section called "Little Scientist " where she will post scientific experiments and directions to be used with lower elementary kids.  She has all kinds of great stuff on there!!!

Check it out by clicking on the name above or by clicking on her button on my blog's sidebar.


Chicken Taco Soup

I have a great friend who asked me to post a low fat, easy recipe...so this is for my friend "M" who wishes to remain nameless....  (look, no butter!)

Chicken Taco Soup
1/2 lb. cooked chicken (cut into cubes or shredded)
28 oz. chicken broth
1 cup salsa
1 cup frozen corn
* I add black beans and sometimes cooked rice

1 cup cheddar cheese
tortilla chips (strips or crumbled)
sour cream

Mix all ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil and then lower heat to medium and cook for 15 minutes (until corn is soft)

YIELD:  4 servings


Being Real

I have been posting for a little over a month now and have some thoughts....

I need to remember that whenever I read somebody else's blog that I am only seeing what they have put out there for me to see.  I don't see the hard days, the messes, the sin, the ugliness that happens in life sometimes, the REALITY. 

I need to not compare my life to their life.  This has to do with being content with my life, my children, my circumstances.  God gave me my life, my home, my children, my marriage, my body etc. and I need to be content! When I start doubting the choices I make, or the abilities of my children or comparing myself to others, I am doomed!  I only need to compare to God's standard for my life and God's truth...nothing else.   But it is definitely a  struggle! 

So....what you see on MY blog is only what I want you to see.... you don't see the mess, the yuk, the majority of days when my toddler says "No, Mommy, No" when I pull out tot school stuff,  when the only art my kids have done in a year is 2 paintings, when we are all wallowing in sinful disrespect, disobedience and selfishness and when my biscuits turn out like hockey pucks!  I don't have all the answers, I'm not super mom, I don't have a clean house every day, I don't have perfect kids or a perfect husband  (well, he is pretty darn close to perfect :)  )....  I am struggling right along with everyone else, just trying to follow Jesus as closely as I can and seeking His guidance, because I trust HIM and love HIM and know that HE has all the answers, so I have faith in HIM, not myself.

Each day is one step at a time....I am thankful for my crazy, busy, imperfect life! I am thankful for my friends and family and mostly thankful for Jesus, for saving my ugly, sinful self and for creating a new Pam, better than before, and growing! 


What is God calling you to do?

What is God calling you to do?  What are you struggling with?  Have you turned it over to God and asked Him what He wants for your life? He has plans for all of us and a purpose for which He created each one of us.  One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29: 11-14  " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and will bring you back from captivity." 
The most amazing times of my life have been when I sought God's will for my life and then OBEYED.  It's not enough to just know what God wants you to do, you have to act on it!  Those times have been SCARY, they have been HARD, they have been LONELY as I go against the world or against family or friends or against the "norm", but they have been AMAZING and God has used those times to bless me ABUNDANTLY!!  Those times that I stepped out in faith are the times that I have grown the most and learned the most.  When I am following God's plans for my life I feel so close to God and they are treasured times!  So...what does God have planned for you?  A new job, a new church, a surgery, quitting a job, having children, adopting a child, moving, homeschooling, starting a new ministry, befriending someone, or changing your life in some drastic way?  God is in control and God is way bigger than whatever you are worried about!  Step out in faith and trust HIM who knows the beginning, middle and end of your life story.

Listen to Life 101.9 online (Great Christian radio station)

One of my favorite ways to worship is by listening and singing praise music.  I have a computer in my kitchen and I enjoy listening to contemporary praise music while I cook or clean.  A few years ago we lived in Iowa and we listened to this radio station.  Well, I can get it online now and listen to it even though we don't live there anymore!   Check it out and see what you think!


Prepared Pantry

I have found a great website that sells premium baking ingredients, mixes, utensils, tools, etc.  It also has a huge library of recipes that you can print.  They are wonderful!  I have used many of them including the one below and one for homemade hamburger buns.  Click here to go to the recipe section of the website!

Cherry Almond Scones
Cherries and almonds are classic flavor companions. These tender scones are filled with cherry pieces and topped with an almond glaze. We think your family will want these often. 
The recipe is easy to make.
2/3 cup dried sweet cherries, diced
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup cold butter cut into chunks
1 cup sour cream
1 large egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Almond glaze (recipe follows)
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
1. Cover the cherries in very hot water. Let them soak for five minutes and then drain them thoroughly.
2. With a pastry knife, cut the butter into the dry ingredients until it is granular in appearance.
3. Mix the sour cream, egg yolk, and extract together in a small bowl. Make a depression in the dry ingredients and add the liquid mixture and the cherries. Stir with a spatula until moistened. (Note: If the fruit was not completely drained, the dough may be too wet. If so, add more flour as needed.)
4. Dust the countertop with flour and turn the dough out. Pat the dough into a disk about 12 inches in diameter. Cut the disk into wedges and place them on an ungreased baking sheet with room around them to expand.
5. Bake for 12 minutes or until they are golden. Remove to a wire rack to cool. Drizzle with glaze. Serve while still warm.

Almond Glaze
1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Put the powdered sugar and extract into a small bowl. Add milk, a little at time, and stir until the frosting is the desired consistency for drizzling.

**I changed the almond extract in the batter to 1 tsp. and I used  3/4cup of wheat flour  and 1 1/4 cup of white flour

***Also, if your cherries are chewy and the texture of raisins you don't need to soak them.  (At least I don't!)


Beautiful Girlhood

I have a wonderful, Christian book for all of you mom's with middle school aged daughters.  This is a book that you ought to give your daughter for her birthday and then make a "date" to read this with her/to her once a week and talk about it together.  I gave this to my oldest daughter when she turned 13 and we have been reading it together and discussing it.  It has wonderful, "old fashioned" morals and values, ones you don't hear too much about anymore, like being a good friend, not complaining, being lady like, being truthful, being dependable and others. It is very well written and does not come across "preachy" but the points made in the book really reach both of our hearts!  "H" and I have had some wonderful discussions following a reading.   I highly recommend this book!


2010 Winter Olympics SCIENCE videos

I found a really great site at NBC where you can watch videos on the science behind the athletic events in the Olympics. I just watched one on how skis are made and reinforced and what polymers are and how the ski manufacturers use different compounds on the skis to reduce surface tension. Sounds like science to me! Each video is just a few minutes long. **Click on the box in the bottom right hand corner when you get to the site.
Here is the link http://www.nbclearn.com/portal/site/learn

Hope you enjoy!


2010 Winter Olympics Lapbooks

Currclick is a neat website that sells homeschool curriculum that you can download and use instantly. They offer all kinds of lapbooks and unit studies on everything! They have several lapbook kits on the Winter Olympics. "G" and I are going to make one and we are really excited! I think we will learn a lot!
Here is the link to one of the Winter Olympics lapbooks: http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=33616&affiliate_id=39331&src=hblaplessolympic%20&it=1


One of My Favorite Blogs

I really love this blog.... Confessions of a Homeschooler. The author is very creative and makes wonderful printables to be used with toddlers and preschoolers. She has a whole section on the alphabet and does many activities per letter. In her printables section she has math, science, art, reading etc. She has things for elementary aged kids too, including workboxes.
She posted something the other day about priorities and how we moms can feel overwhelmed and try to do everything....here is the link to her blog and that specific post called "Plate Spinning"

Just wanted to share it with you .....

Chocolate Chip Scones

I found this yummy recipe at www.Epicurious.com

Chocolate Chip Scones

  • 2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) chilled unsalted butter, diced
  • 1 teaspoon (packed) grated lemon peel
  • 3/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup chilled buttermilk
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Milk (for glaze)


Butter and flour baking sheet. Sift 2 cups flour, 1/3 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into large bowl. Add butter and lemon peel; rub in with fingertips until butter is reduced to size of rice grains. Mix in chocolate chips. Whisk buttermilk, egg yolk and vanilla in small bowl to blend. Add buttermilk mixture to dry ingredients; mix until dough comes together in moist clumps. Gather dough into ball. Press dough out on lightly floured surface to 8-inch round; cut round into 6 wedges. Transfer wedges to prepared baking sheet, spacing 1 inch apart. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Preheat oven to 400°. Brush scones lightly with milk; sprinkle with remaining 2 tablespoons sugar. Bake until scones are crusty on top and tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Serve warm. Yield: 6 scones


One of My Favorite Blogs

There is a wonderful blog all about things to do with your kids to help them grow and learn all while having fun! It is called 1+1+1=1 and here is the link http://1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com/ There is a section on this blog that is all about having fun and learning while playing with your tot and it is called "Tot School".
The author has taught me all kinds of neat things to do with "B", how to organize school stuff, what "Tot Trays" are and she has some neat project packs and lapbooks on her site too. Of all the blogs that I have looked at so far, hers has inspired me and taught me the most! THANK YOU Carisa!


Fighting Discontentment Part 2

I have been thinking about my earlier post all day. I have been really thinking about what it means to be discontent. Being discontent means that I'm not happy with what God has provided for me, what God has blessed me with and from what God has protected me from. Being discontent means I think that somehow I am entitled to more than I have. It means that deep in my soul I think that I know more than God! He is the creator of the universe and all that is in it and knows ALL THINGS and somehow I think that I can know better what I need than Him. How prideful and STUPID!! God please forgive me for thinking that you can't possibly care for me as well as what I want or expect.

God is good all of the time. I don't know what God knows, I don't understand why I have or don't have certain things. I don't have to know; God knows. I just need to pray to see it! I need to pray to be content and rest in HIM in all circumstances . I need to pray to trust God and His love for me. I need to pray for the Truth of God's character to soak into my stubborn, prideful heart and brain!

I'm so grateful that God has mercy and grace and forgiveness for us!

Fighting Discontentment

I fight being discontent. This is what plays in my head...." Why me? or Why not me? or Why wasn't I invited? or Why wasn't my child invited? or How come? or Why don't I have... or I don't want to...."

I don't feel this way every day but any day is wrong. I am blessed beyond measure yet my sinful self absorbed self speaks lies into my heart and head. I want to be grateful, I want to be peaceful and I want to be CONTENT! One of the scriptures that I need to meditate on and pray every day is this... "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

And this is another of those life verses that I hang onto... "And we know, that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I need to rest in this truth... that God is sovereign and He knows what is best for me at any and all times! He sees the big picture, the past, present and future and knows exactly what I need! So, if I don't have this or that, if I'm not invited to this or that or I'm asked to do something that I don't particularly want to do.... I need to trust in GOD and not in my self!

I saw this quote on a friend's Facebook page.... "Unerring wisdom ordained your lot and selected for you the safest and best condition. Remember this, had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there. You are placed by God in the most suitable circumstances. Be content with such things as you have, since the Lord has ordained all things for your good." Charles Spurgeon



I have a child who loves to sing and sings the same songs over and over and over and over....you get the point. Here is an amazing Christian group that sings songs for kids, but they are songs that don't grate on our nerves like some. We particularly like Snazzy and Snooze. We have also seen them in concert and they put on a great family show.

Click on this post's title (GO FISH) and it will take you to their website. You can also find them on YouTube and at Amazon and Itunes.


Christmas Cards

Every year we receive beautiful Christmas cards and I never know what to do with them after the Christmas holiday is over. So I keep them. Yes, I have years worth of Christmas cards being stored here in our home. Recently I found an idea on another blog of what to do with them. Put your cards in a pretty basket and take one out each day and pray for that person or family. I love it!
So, if you sent us a card this Christmas, you are and will be prayed for several times this year! And, if you are late and haven't sent your Christmas card yet, no worries, send a New Year's card and we'll pray for you! :)



I have always loved snow. I remember when I was a little girl in first grade I got in trouble for getting out of my seat in class and running to the window to watch the snow coming down. I have a dear friend who went to NY at Christmas one time and brought me back some snow in a ziploc bag. (Of course by the time it got to me it was ice in a bag, but the thought was there!:) ) Snow is a rare occasion around here...but when we get it, watch out! I get really giddy inside!

The other day we had snow and "G" said, "Mom, look how clean and sparkly and fresh and white everything is!" "It's so pretty!"

She was right and that's how Jesus makes us! He takes our dirty, messy, sinful selves and washes us clean and makes us sparkly and pretty and new!

Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool."


Bulk Cooking

I like to cook but after a crazy day I also like to pull something home made out of the freezer, heat it up and have a yummy dinner without the work. So, I try to cook extra portions of food and freeze them. I have tried several books of recipes for this and my all time favorites are .... Don't Panic Dinner's in the Freezer and More Don't Panic Dinner's in the Freezer. You can find both at Amazon. The recipes are really good and I think most kids will eat the finished product. The books include recipes for appetizers, breads, brunch, soups, poultry and fish, beef and pork, pizza and pasta, side dishes and desserts. There is also a whole section on how to shop for bulk cooking, how to cook in bulk, how to package and freeze the food and how to thaw and defrost the food.


Great Turkey and Wild Rice Soup!

I got this from allrecipes.com...it is really, really good!

* 2/3 cup uncooked wild rice
* 2 cups water
* 6 tablespoons butter
* 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
* 1/4 cup finely chopped celery
* 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
* 4 cups turkey broth
* 1/3 cup shredded carrot
* 2 cups chopped cooked turkey
* 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, or to taste
* 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste
* 1/4 cup chopped slivered almonds **** I left these out****
* 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
* 3/4 cup half-and-half cream
*** I added 2 tsp. of chicken bouillon

1. Bring the wild rice and water to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the rice is tender but not mushy, 40 to 45 minutes. Drain off any excess liquid, fluff the rice with a fork, and cook uncovered 5 minutes more. Set the cooked rice aside.
2. Melt the butter in a soup pot over medium heat. Cook and stir the onion and celery until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir in the flour, and cook until it turns a pale yellowish-brown color, 3 to 5 minutes. Gradually whisk in the turkey stock until no lumps of flour remain. Stir in the carrot. Bring the mixture to a simmer, and cook, whisking constantly, until the stock is thick and smooth and the carrot is tender, about 2 more minutes.
3. Stir in the wild rice, turkey, salt, pepper, and almonds. Return to a simmer, and cook 2 more minutes to heat the ingredients. Stir in the lemon juice and half-and-half; bring the soup almost to a boil, and serve hot.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 232 | Total Fat: 13.5g | Cholesterol: 61mg


Hi everyone! This is my first post on my first blog and I feel strangely nervous! I have been thinking and debating about creating a blog for several months now. My friends/family know that I really don't like technology typically and don't ever feel like I have the time to "play" on the computer....and I've failed miserably at Facebook. (I just don't like Facebook....I don't really know all of the reasons why, I just don't.) Anyway, I have been visiting blogs for about 6 months now and as time has gone by I have learned so much from the ones that are my favorites. (I can only handle reading about 5 right now.) I used to feel like I wouldn't have time to blog and why would I blog? Who wants to read my thoughts/observations? Seemed kind of prideful to me. But God has been stirring my heart towards creating a blog and already I see a few neat things....1)my oldest daughter "H" loves technology and has wanted to blog for over a year now and so this has been a great project for us to do together, (she has made this blog possible...she knows so much about html code etc. for a 13 year old) 2)it is a great record of all the daily things we do as a family and homeschool and since I forget just about everything, maybe it will help me remember some of life's great moments :) 3) maybe I can bless someone who reads this...maybe God will speak to someone through me, or maybe you can gain some little nugget of encouragement one day that you need it!

So, I am going to try to blog as often as possible until God tells me it's time to quit!

I will warn you though...I really have no clue how to make my blog work as nicely as some of the others with signature lines and links etc. But I'm going to learn! Oh yeah, that's another benefit of this 4) I am trying desperately to learn technology so that I can stay "in tune" with my kids! They are leaving us behind, friends!

joy to you,

Curriculum We Use

  • Picture This! (Bible curriculum)
  • How Great Thou Art (Feed My Sheep)
  • Vocabulary for the College Bound Student
  • Wordly Wise (Grade 5)
  • Easy Grammar (Grades 5-6)
  • Story of the World Book 1: Ancients
  • Notgrass World History
  • Perplexors Logic Puzzles
  • IEW
  • Tell Me More Foreign Language (FRENCH)
  • Spelling Power
  • Apologia Exploring Creation Through Anatomy
  • Apologia Exploring Creation Through Biology
  • Saxon Math
  • Horizons Math