"Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God, my savior
And my hope is in you all day long."
Psalm 25:4-5

About Me

My photo
I am a Christian, homeschooling mom of 3, married to an amazing man who is a blessing from God. I love Jesus and try every day in every way to grow closer to Him and live like He would have me live. I want to follow His path and glorify Him with my thoughts, actions and speech. Some days are good...most days I fail miserably. But...I keep praying and receiving God's unending grace! This blog is about our daily life of homeschooling and parenting and just trying each day to walk in His will.


Another Christian Radio Station

A dear friend sent me another Christian radio station that you can listen to on your computer.... this one has more conservative, soothing music!  Once you get to the site click on the "Win" button in the top right hand corner.


The Amazing Tales of Max and Liz

I have a favorite children's author that I have to share!  Her name is Jenny L. Cote and she is a very gifted writer.  She is a Christian and she has written two books in her new series " The Amazing Tales of Max and Liz".  These are thick books and readers of all ages love them.  I have read the first one to my 9 year old and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We are now halfway through the second one and it is even better than the first!
Mrs. Cote is a wonderful speaker and her love for Jesus and scriptures is evident in her writing and in her presentations.  (She goes around the country promoting writing by giving writing workshops to children.  We were blessed to attend one of these workshops last year.)  She has a neat way of looking at Bible stories in a new way.... for instance in the first book The Ark, the Reed and the Firecloud she paints a picture of what the journey would have been like for all of the animals that boarded Noah's ark.  How did God get them there? How did the polar bears survive on the ark for all that time away from their natural habitat of ice and snow?  How did all of the animals co-exist for all that time?  These are questions I've never thought to ask before and Mrs. Cote presents her ideas on those questions in humorous and very creative ways.  This book kept us in giggles and her main characters (Max, a Scottish terrier and Liz, a black cat) became very dear to us in a very short time!

The second book The Dreamer, The Schemer and The Robe is about the life of Joseph with the multicolor robe.  It takes place in Egypt and is teaching all of us more about faith and having an attitude of obedience to God no matter what the circumstances.

These books make the Bible stories come alive in new ways and I highly recommend them! Here is Jenny L. Cote's blog so you can learn about her and her upcoming books in this fantastic series!


One of my favorite homeschool blogs!

I have a great homeschool blog for you all...it's called Delightful Learning and it is full of great ideas!  She has posts on nature journaling, survival / living off the land, tot school, challenges for your older kids where they create things using her rules and household items, and a new section called "Little Scientist " where she will post scientific experiments and directions to be used with lower elementary kids.  She has all kinds of great stuff on there!!!

Check it out by clicking on the name above or by clicking on her button on my blog's sidebar.


Chicken Taco Soup

I have a great friend who asked me to post a low fat, easy recipe...so this is for my friend "M" who wishes to remain nameless....  (look, no butter!)

Chicken Taco Soup
1/2 lb. cooked chicken (cut into cubes or shredded)
28 oz. chicken broth
1 cup salsa
1 cup frozen corn
* I add black beans and sometimes cooked rice

1 cup cheddar cheese
tortilla chips (strips or crumbled)
sour cream

Mix all ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil and then lower heat to medium and cook for 15 minutes (until corn is soft)

YIELD:  4 servings


Being Real

I have been posting for a little over a month now and have some thoughts....

I need to remember that whenever I read somebody else's blog that I am only seeing what they have put out there for me to see.  I don't see the hard days, the messes, the sin, the ugliness that happens in life sometimes, the REALITY. 

I need to not compare my life to their life.  This has to do with being content with my life, my children, my circumstances.  God gave me my life, my home, my children, my marriage, my body etc. and I need to be content! When I start doubting the choices I make, or the abilities of my children or comparing myself to others, I am doomed!  I only need to compare to God's standard for my life and God's truth...nothing else.   But it is definitely a  struggle! 

So....what you see on MY blog is only what I want you to see.... you don't see the mess, the yuk, the majority of days when my toddler says "No, Mommy, No" when I pull out tot school stuff,  when the only art my kids have done in a year is 2 paintings, when we are all wallowing in sinful disrespect, disobedience and selfishness and when my biscuits turn out like hockey pucks!  I don't have all the answers, I'm not super mom, I don't have a clean house every day, I don't have perfect kids or a perfect husband  (well, he is pretty darn close to perfect :)  )....  I am struggling right along with everyone else, just trying to follow Jesus as closely as I can and seeking His guidance, because I trust HIM and love HIM and know that HE has all the answers, so I have faith in HIM, not myself.

Each day is one step at a time....I am thankful for my crazy, busy, imperfect life! I am thankful for my friends and family and mostly thankful for Jesus, for saving my ugly, sinful self and for creating a new Pam, better than before, and growing! 

Curriculum We Use

  • Picture This! (Bible curriculum)
  • How Great Thou Art (Feed My Sheep)
  • Vocabulary for the College Bound Student
  • Wordly Wise (Grade 5)
  • Easy Grammar (Grades 5-6)
  • Story of the World Book 1: Ancients
  • Notgrass World History
  • Perplexors Logic Puzzles
  • IEW
  • Tell Me More Foreign Language (FRENCH)
  • Spelling Power
  • Apologia Exploring Creation Through Anatomy
  • Apologia Exploring Creation Through Biology
  • Saxon Math
  • Horizons Math